This Integrated Management Policy Statement provides the framework for setting and reviewing Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety objectives and targets designed to deliver continual improvement in our performance.
T&R Test Equipment Ltd. designs and manufactures electrical test equipment. The company operates from their site based in Guildford, but products are sold to all areas of the world. Product quality in planning, design and delivery relies on three primary elements: skilled personnel, innovative technology, and a proven process.
It is the policy of T&R Test Equipment Ltd. to provide a customer focused and professional solution based on the following precepts:
- Extensive product and market knowledge
- Innovative design concepts
- Reliable supply chain
- Value for money and cost control
We have established, documented, and maintain an Integrated Management System that has been planned and developed to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. We will bring the best current technology into the marketplace. This includes quality of design and product. We will deliver this technology in a timely manner with a view to extending our market penetration.
T&R Test Equipment Ltd. ensures that we prevent pollution and all our processes are conducted in a safe manner to protect the health and safety of our visitors and staff. We actively participate and consult with our workers on all parts of our business systems. We identify all business risks, assess them and deal with them through a hierarchy of control. We will also minimise the environmental impacts associated with our products throughout their lifecycle.
T&R Test Equipment Ltd. will work with customers and suppliers continuously drive opportunities to improve the performance of the organisation by setting annual Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety objectives, implementing action plans, measuring performance and reviewing all these on an annual basis at our management review. We will provide all resources necessary to ensure that the tenets of this policy are met.
T&R Test Equipment Ltd. monitors, measures, and analyses its business processes, and takes any action necessary to optimise the planned outputs, and provides for continuous improvement in its Management Systems’ performance and compliance. Conformance to relevant legislation, industry specific and customer requirements are primarily measured by internal compliance checks, internal audits, and external audits conducted by our certification body and current customers.
This policy is available to all employees and other interested parties on the company’s website.
T&R Test Equipment Ltd. Integrated Management Policy Statement will be reviewed at least annually at the management review meetings, but may be reviewed more often as the nature of the company strategy changes.